My First Experience Going To International Event

Danilo P. De Luca
3 min readOct 23, 2023

“Challenge” is often the first word that comes to mind when we think about growing in our career. it’s a word filled with assumptions, fears, and numerous paths to follow. It’s a journey that lacks a single correct route, and it’s more like a chasm to be crossed than a gap to fill.

At the start of 2023, I decided to take a step forward in my career: have an international career, and be able to help software developers from all around the world. This was a significant leap for someone who barely knew how to speak English at the time, but it wasn't an unknown challenge. There are countless ways to learn a language: classes, listening, and, most importantly, practicing.

One reasonable approach was to become actively involved in events and communities, this led me to embrace a new step on my road: attending an International Event.

It wasn't an easy journey, especially for someone from Brazil due to the substantial costs involved. However, I found a way, and even helped a friend to do the same! Soon, I found myself on a flight to Amsterdam, and, from there, on a train to Ludwigsburg where EclipseCon 2023 was taking place! This event was organized by EclipseFoundation, one of the world’s largest open-source communities!

The event had 4 days:

  • 1st — Community Day: A day filled with experiences from various tech communities, including Java, Automative, Gaia-x Federation Services, Papyrus, Eclipse IOT, and the OSGi community.
  • 2nd, 3rd, 4th — A lot of presentations distributed in 6 different tracks, including 2 awesome keynotes!

The event’s content was exceptional, catering to developers of all levels of expertise. I have no words to describe that! Yet, beyond the presentations, the true highlight was the community itself! Sharing, helping each other, and making networking. However, to be part of that the language barrier was in front of me again, it had to be overcome! And it was! Pushing myself to bridge this gap made the entire experience worthwhile!

Here are some key takeaways that might help you to do that:

  1. In Europe, everybody speaks English, but the minority speaks it perfectly. What matters most is conveying your message!
  2. Asking questions is the best way to create a connection with a stranger, whether they are speakers, attendees, or event staff.
  3. Be open to learning new things and stepping outside of your comfort zone, such as attending presentations from a different ground of your experience.

With this experience, I learned that the importance of communication is passing the message, even if you don't know the right grammatical way to do that, and most importantly building connections by sharing experiences, both tech and cultural! The feeling of growing in my career is like having 1 year of experience in only 5 days!

If you are considering investing in your professional career, I firmly believe this could be one of the best investments for it. Moreover, it highlights the significance of being part of communities, just as I experienced.

Communities: Be part of, and go beyond your career!



Danilo P. De Luca

One craftsman in the mass of software development. Programming and architecting as a craft.